About us


Uta Wayu child care and community organization a non-profit organization that works for the health and betterment of living conditions of homeless children and education support project Committee Ethiopia in Arsi Negele district. Did you know that in some parts of the world, many kids never get to see the inside of a primary school classroom, most of the kids die from starvation or some easily curable diseases before they see adulthood and even lesser part of the population is literate. An organization that is working to quality primary education to school age children especially orphan children’s at rural and urban around communities of Ethiopia Arsi Negele Wereda (District). This organization is new and we need your help.


1.0 Project Title, Location and Timing

Project Name:- Child’s care and education support project
Country/Region/ Province/ Specific Location
Arsi Negele district, west Arsi Zone, oroimiya Regional State, Ethiopia

Organization number :-  912 897 508 (Norway) 

Project Timing: Expected Start-up Date
Sep 30,2012
Expected Finish Date
Sep. 31,20224
Project Duration
Four  years

1.1 Agency Details

Sponsoring NGO:- ___________________________


Principal contact officer

Telephone number:- _______________________________________

Fax number:- ___________________________________________

Email address:- ________________________________________________

Organisation(s) in Recipient Country

Uta wayu child care and community development program (UWCCDP) 

Principal contact officers

  1. Mrs. Aadam J. Fardoo (General manager of UWCCDP )
  2. Mrs. Dharroo Tufaa Bokii (Deputy manger of UWCCDP)
  3. Mrs.Aman Desta Lemessa (Accountant of UWCCDP)

Telephone number:–  0047-96 71 79 48
Fax number:- ________________________

Email address:- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

post address:- Retvegen 20 Tingvoll Norway.

Local contact officers

  1. Mrs. Mustefa Gemeda (Local program manager )
  2.  Mrs.Abdissa Gemechu (Local program coordinator )

Telephone number:- 251-926 51 55 06 and 251-911 01 46 83
Fax number:- ___________________________

Email address:- [email protected] , [email protected]

Post address:- 672 Shashamane Ethiopia.

1.2 Request to XXX donors
Total budget of project
$ 60117.75
Total funds requested

$ 60117.75