UWCCCDP reports 2015

uta wayu 1
Name :Addisu Gemedo Koirbino
Date Of Birth :27th May, 2005
Sex :Male
Class :Two (2)
What is your future aim? :Social Worker
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Addisu is Going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and his father is deceased due to an illness and his mother is a daily laborer.  They have small farming land which will not be enough to satisfy their children’s need. He has two sisters and two brother, they all are living together in small hut house. He promote to grade two and he favorite subject is Afan Oromo. He walks on foot about 2km to go to school.
uta wayu 2
Name :Amane Tehir Mudama
Date Of Birth :15 October, 2001
Sex :Female
Class :Four  (4)
What is your future aim? :Doctor
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Amane is a very funny young girl who is full of life. She is energetic and loves to make people laugh.  She is from a very poor family and her mother and father is deceased due to an illness and she is living with her aunts. They have nothing to provide for their children even if the make her the part of their family. She promoted to grade four and her favorite subject is English and science. She walks on foot about 2km to go to school.
Name :Badaso Galigalu Buta
Date Of Birth :19th November, 2001
Sex :Male
Class :Six (6)
What is your future aim?:Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Badaso , he is from a very poor family and his mother deceased due to an illness and his father left the home after he divorce with a child mother, he is living with his grandfather and mother, they are the one who is take caring of  him and his sister too.. They do not have enough means of income to support or Sponsor their children. Even if they make Badaso a part of their family. He promoted to grade six and his favorite subject is mathematics. He is doing well at school and he walks 2km on foot to go to school
Name :Bashu Shekiye Gudata
Date Of Birth :2nd June , 2008
Sex :Female
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Bashu is a very funny little girl who is full of life.  She is from a very poor family and her mother is physically disabled since her childhood. They have nothing to provide for their children. She is of a very low class and suffers from the discrimination. Due to hereditary disease family have her brother and sister has the disability case, her mum cannot perform any home and outside home activities. She promoted to grade one and she did well while she was in preschool. She walks on foot about 2km to go to school.
Name :Badhatu Geligalu buta
Date Of Birth :10  May, 2004
Sex :Female
Class :Two (2)
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Badhatu  is a very funny little girl who is living with her grandfather and mother. She loves to do her work and is very focused and hardworking. She is the younger sister of Badaso. She is from a very poor family and her mother is deceased due to an illness and her father divorce and left home. They have no enough means of income which will satisfy their needs and they are from a very low class and suffers from the poverty. She promoted to grade 2 and she is the medium student. She likes science and she walks about 2km on foot to go to school.
Name :Buritukan Marako Wotich
Date Of Birth :09 October, 2008
Sex :Female
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Nurse
Child’s General Information:
Buritukan is a very funny little girl who is full of life. She is talkative and energetic and loves to make people laugh. She is from a very poor family and her father  is deceased due to an illness and her mother assist them by the income that they are get from small farming, she has three brothers and five sister and she is from large family size, she help her mum by running errands and fetching water. They all live together in small hut house made of wood and grass. She promoted to grade 1 and her favorite subject is Afan Oromo. She wakes about 1km to go to school.
Name :Buse Adem Milikeso
Date Of Birth :27th May, 2005
Sex :Male
Class :Two (2)
What is your future aim? :Engineer
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Buse is a very helpful and hardworking young man.  Going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and they depend on the income that they earn from their small farming land which has not satisfied their needs. They all live together in small hut house. He promoted to grade 2 and doing well at school. His favorite subject is English. After school he help his family by fetching water and running errands
Name :Fayine Ramato anota
Date Of Birth :27th April, 2006
Sex :Female
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Nurse
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Fayine, She is from a very poor family and her father is deceased due to an illness and her mother assist them with the income that they are get from their small farming land, she has two brothers and two sister and they all live together. She is going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously
she promoted to grade 1 and she is a ranked student at her class. She walks about 1 km to go to school. on her extra time she help her family by fetching water and taking care of home.
Name :Jamal Edaso wako
Date Of Birth :2  July, 2001
Sex :Male
Class :two (2)
What is your future aim? :doctor
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Jamal, is going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother assisting the whole family from the income that she earning. They live in small hut house. He assists his family by fetching water and running errands. He attends his school at woyo darera primary school and he walks about 2km on foot to school. He favorite subject is Afan oromo.
Name :Lencho wario wahelo
Date Of Birth :27th May, 2006
Sex :Male
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Doctor
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Lencho is a very helpful and hardworking young man. Going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother assisting they all family by the income that they are earning from their small farming land. They have no another mean of income and nothing to provide for their children. He promoted to grade 1 and he is ranked student and his has a good performance in Afan oromo and maths.
Name :Mogas Batore Gemechu
Date Of Birth :11  June, 2000
Sex :Male
Class :eight (8)
What is your future aim? :Engineer
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Mogas  is a very helpful and hardworking young man  and he walk on foot more than 8 km per day   to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother assisting the whole family by the means of income that they are getting from their small farming land. He helps his mother by fetching water, plough the small farm land. He has two brother and living in very small hut house which will leaks when it rain. He promoted to grade 8 and this year he will take the notional exam and he is working hard in his studying to be successes in his exam. His mum taking the exe books on behalf him.
Name :Mohammed Kedir Lolo
Date Of Birth : 7 August, 2004
Sex :Male
Class :One (1)
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Mohammed is going to school regularly about 5km on foot per day to improve his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and mother is deceased due to an illness and his father is assisting the family by the means of income that they are getting from their small farming land and he perform any jobs he can find, he has two brother and three sister and they all are living together in small hut house which leaks when it rain and it is too old. He did not promote to the next grade due to some difficulties families came across the year. He promises to improve his performance and to work hard to
pass to the next grade.
Name :Nabisu Teshite Mudama
Date Of Birth :27th May, 2004
Sex :Male
Class :three (3)
What is your future aim? :Doctor
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Nabisu is a very helpful and hardworking young man and walk about 2 km to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother is assisting the whole family by the means of income that they are earning from their small farming land. They have nothing to provide for their children who will satisfy their needs and they are in a very low class. He promoted to grade 3 and he has a good academic performance in science and he is a ranked student in his class. He is attending his education at woyo darera primary school.
Name :Nagi Hussen Mudama
Date Of Birth :27th June, 2004
Sex :Male
Class :one (1)
What is your future aim? :Doctor
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Nagi is a very helpful and hardworking young man and walk about 2 km to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother is assisting the whole family by the means of income that they are earning from their small farming land. They have nothing to provide for their children who will satisfy their needs and they are in a very low class. He has five brothers and one sister they all living together in small hut house which will leaks when it rain. He attend his education at woyo darera primary school and he has not promoted to the next grade and he promise to work hard and improve his academic performance on next year.
Name :Ramate Guye Dido
Date Of Birth :15th October, 2003
Sex :Female
Class :Four (4)
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Ramate use to live with her guardian and her guardian is a very poor family and they have nothing to provide to her. She loves to do her work and is very focused and hardworking. Her mother and father address is not know well, this family get her outside home and adopted , even if their means of income has not satisfy their children needs they are caring to her equal to their children. She is the part of this poor family and helps them on what she can like fetching water and cooking wot or local food. Ramate has not promoted to the next grade due to the work load at home and she promised to improve her academic performance for the next year
Name :Safaye Edaso Hamo
Date Of Birth :22nd October, 2007
Sex :Female
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Safaye is a very funny little girl who is full of life. She is living with her grandmother in very small hut house, it is too old and leaks when it rain.  Her grandmother is from very poor family and she assists this family by the means of income she is getting from selling of fire wood. The child father and mother passed away due to an illness, she has one brother and two sister and living with their grandmother. She is of a very low class and suffering of hunger. She promoted to the next grade with good result and she promised to improve more. Her favorite subject is afan oromo and she  walks 2km on foot every five day a week  to go to school
Name :Samuel Genemo Teshite
Date Of Birth :1st  May, 2009
Sex :Male
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim? :Nurse
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Samuel is Going to school regularly has improved his literacy skills tremendously! He is from a very poor family and father is deceased due to an illness and his mother assisting the family by the means of income she is get from petty trade even if it is not satisfying their needs. They are at low class and need more support. He promoted to grade 1, he is an average student in his class. He walks 1km on foot to go to school.
Name :Shilime Kasim Ambiyo
Date Of Birth :22nd October, 2009
Sex :Female
Class :Preschool
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Shilime is a very funny little girl who is full of life. She is from a very poor family and her father  is deceased due to an illness and her mother assisting the whole family by means of income that they are getting from small farm land,  it will not be enough  to satisfy their daily needs, she walk to school to  improved her literacy skills tremendously. She has not promoted to next grade due to her age and family education background. Her family has promised to assist her in what they can. She  walks 2km on  her foot to go to school
Name :Basa Babo Kadha
Date Of Birth :22nd October, 2006
Sex :Female
Class :Preschool
What is your future aim? :Teacher
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Basa  is a very funny little girl who is full of life. She is from a very poor family and her father  is deceased due to an illness and her mother assisting the whole family by means of income that they are getting from small farm land,  it will not be enough  to satisfy their daily needs, she walk to school to  improved her literacy skills tremendously. They all are living in small Iran sheet house, she has two sisters she promoted to the next grade with good results and she promised to improve more. Her favorite subject is maths and English. Like other she walks 2km a day to go to school.
Name :Zeneba Dedefo Abiyo
Date Of Birth :19th November, 2007
Sex :Female
Class :Grade 1
What is your future aim?:Nurse
Health Condition:Normal
Child’s General Information:
Zeneba is a very sweet and loving young girl. She has an infectious laugh and can bring a smile to anyone’s face.  She is from a very poor family and her parents were illiterate due to their financial instability. They have small farming land and the use it as it means of income and the live in old hut house and leaks when it rain, she walk to school to improve her literacy. Same time, her parents work as laborers in farming and at any jobs they can find. she promoted to grade one and she walks about 2km to go to school, her favorite subject is afan oromo